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Apelidos de Usuário

KostyaJR's picture
  • Rating: 2
  • Games Played: 52
  • Total Winnings: 122,200.00
  • Avg. Buy-In: 13,653.85
  • Biggest Buy-in: 50,000.00
  • ITM %: 7,69
  • Total Profit: -587,800.00
  • Average Profit: -11,303.85
  • Average ROI %: -82.79
  • Final Table: 0
  • First: 0
  • Second: 0
  • Third: 0
  • Early Finishes %: 71,15
  • Early Middle Finishes %: 0
  • Middle Finishes %: 17,31
  • Middle Late Finishes %: 11,54
  • Late Finishes %: 0

Mural de Poker


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Game Rating Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
Play Money, No Limit Hold'em (10k) 7 22 -9,495.45 -94.95 -208,900.00 10,000.00 4,55 1/21
Play Money No Limit Hold’em 6-Max (Hyper, 10k) 7 15 -7,193.33 -71.93 -107,900.00 10,000.00 13,33 2/13
Play Money No Limit Hold’em (10k) 7 8 -10,000.00 -100 -80,000.00 10,000.00 0 0/8
Play Money No Limit Hold'em (20k) NA 2 -20,000.00 -100 -40,000.00 20,000.00 0 0/2
Play Money 8 Game (50K) NA 1 -50,000.00 -100 -50,000.00 50,000.00 0 0/1

Premiações Grandes Recentes

Iniciado Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
10/14/2021 Big 2.5M, 100M Chips Gtd 2,200,000.00+300,000.00 1/98 48,320,000.00
03/28/2016 Sunday Billion Sat: 100K, NLHE, 1 Seat Guaranteed 90,000.00+10,000.00 1/42 1,000,000.00
04/08/2016 Play Money, No Limit Hold'em (200k) 180,000.00+20,000.00 4/45 810,000.00
03/26/2016 250K Big Stack50M Chips Guaranteed 225,000.00+25,000.00 36/144 700,000.00
04/09/2016 250K Big Stack50M Chips Guaranteed 225,000.00+25,000.00 35/144 700,000.00

Últimos Torneios 10 de Poker

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
12/12/2018 Play Money No Limit Hold'em 6-Max (50K) 45,000.00+5,000.00 71/260 69,000.00
12/11/2018 Hot 50K, 15M Chips Gtd 44,000.00+6,000.00 162/403 0.00
11/21/2018 Play Money 8 Game (50K) 45,000.00+5,000.00 73/77 0.00
11/20/2018 Play Money No Limit Hold’em 6-Max (Hyper, 10k) 9,000.00+1,000.00 51/498 25,900.00
11/19/2018 Play Money No Limit Hold’em 6-Max (Hyper, 10k) 9,000.00+1,000.00 382/473 0.00
11/09/2018 Play Money No Limit Hold’em (10k) 9,000.00+1,000.00 289/348 0.00
11/09/2018 Play Money, No Limit Hold'em (10k) 8,700.00+1,300.00 185/654 0.00
11/09/2018 Play Money, No Limit Hold'em (10k) 8,700.00+1,300.00 457/575 0.00
11/08/2018 Play Money No Limit Hold’em (10k) 9,000.00+1,000.00 259/277 0.00
11/07/2018 Play Money, No Limit Hold'em (10k) 8,700.00+1,300.00 743/750 0.00
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