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Apelidos de Usuário

lepuff's picture
  • Rating: 4
  • Games Played: 68
  • Total Winnings: 682,610.00
  • Avg. Buy-In: 23,382.35
  • Biggest Buy-in: 200,000.00
  • ITM %: 13,24
  • Total Profit: -907,390.00
  • Average Profit: -13,343.97
  • Average ROI %: -57.07
  • Final Table: 4
  • First: 0
  • Second: 0
  • Third: 0
  • Early Finishes %: 0
  • Early Middle Finishes %: 2,94
  • Middle Finishes %: 48,53
  • Middle Late Finishes %: 39,71
  • Late Finishes %: 8,82

Mural de Poker


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Game Rating Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
Play Money, No Limit Hold'em + Knockout (5,000) 7 54 -879.44 -17.59 -47,490.00 5,000.00 12,96 7/47
Play Money, No Limit Hold'em + Knockout (200k) 7 5 -128,200.00 -64.1 -641,000.00 200,000.00 0 0/5
Play Money, No Limit Hold'em (10k) NA 2 -3,950.00 -39.5 -7,900.00 10,000.00 50 1/1
Play Money, No Limit Hold'em + Knockout (100k) NA 2 -100,000.00 -100 -200,000.00 100,000.00 0 0/2
Play Money, No Limit Hold'em (50k) NA 1 39,000.00 78 39,000.00 50,000.00 100 1/0

Premiações Grandes Recentes

Iniciado Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
03/17/2018 5M Big Stack 200M Chips Guaranteed 4,400,000.00+600,000.00 25/100 8,360,000.00
02/08/2017 500K Big Stack50M Chips Guaranteed 435,000.00+65,000.00 1/142 7,493,000.00
03/18/2018 5M Big Stack 200M Chips Guaranteed 4,400,000.00+600,000.00 37/153 7,400,000.00
03/20/2018 5M Big Stack 200M Chips Guaranteed 4,400,000.00+600,000.00 20/86 7,180,000.00
11/12/2023 The Warm-Up 1M, 100M Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 6/83 7,110,000.00

Últimos Torneios 10 de Poker

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
10/12/2014 Play Money, No Limit Hold'em + Knockout (5,000) 4,500.00+500.00 87/191 0.00
10/10/2014 Play Money, No Limit Hold'em + Knockout (5,000) 4,500.00+500.00 99/149 0.00
10/06/2014 Play Money, No Limit Hold'em + Knockout (5,000) 4,500.00+500.00 109/183 0.00
08/31/2014 Play Money, No Limit Hold'em + Knockout (5,000) 4,500.00+500.00 23/132 4,620.00
08/31/2014 PM 10000 NL Hold'em [27 Players, Turbo] 9,000.00+1,000.00 6/27 0.00
08/30/2014 Play Money, No Limit Hold'em + Knockout (5,000) 4,500.00+500.00 149/267 0.00
08/30/2014 Play Money, No Limit Hold'em + Knockout (5,000) 4,500.00+500.00 74/249 0.00
08/23/2014 Play Money, No Limit Hold'em + Knockout (5,000) 4,500.00+500.00 145/270 0.00
08/18/2014 Play Money, No Limit Hold'em + Knockout (5,000) 4,500.00+500.00 58/153 0.00
08/04/2014 Play Money, No Limit Hold'em + Knockout (5,000) 4,500.00+500.00 63/159 0.00
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