
Amigo13013's picture
  • Games Played: 9
  • Total Winnings: €38.78
  • Avg. Buy-In: €8.51
  • Biggest Buy-in: €28.00
  • ITM %: 11,11
  • Total Profit: -€37.82
  • Average Profit: -€4.20
  • Average ROI %: -49,37
Results by # Games Played
Results by Date (Line)
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Game Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
Monster Series XL #122-Mi{#P}Main Event PKO 6-Max Phase 1:{#M}15 000€ Gtd{#S} 2 -€1.80 -100 -€3.60 €1.80 0 0/2
Monster Series XL #122-L{#P}Main Event PKO 6-Max Phase 1:{#M}75 000€ Gtd{#S} 2 -€1.96 -21,83 -€3.93 €9.00 0 0/2
The Terminator:{#P}3 000€ Gtd{#M} 1 -€6.75 -75 -€6.75 €9.00 0 0/1
Monster Series XL #10-L 6-Max PKO:{#P}10 000€ Gtd{#M} 1 -€6.75 -75 -€6.75 €9.00 0 0/1
Monster Series XL #39-L{#P}Diablo Weekender 6-Max PKO Day 1B:{#M}6 666€ Gtd{#S} 1 €8.71 193,56 €8.71 €4.50 100 1/0

Recent Large Cashes

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
09/03/2022 Monster Series XL #39-L{#P}Diablo Weekender 6-Max PKO Day 1B:{#M}6 666€ Gtd{#S} €4.00+€0.50 82/296 €13.21
09/03/2022 Monster Series XL #122-L{#P}Main Event PKO 6-Max Phase 1:{#M}75 000€ Gtd{#S} €8.00+€1.00 34/141 €8.44
09/09/2022 Monster Series XL #86-M Ultra PKO 6-Max:{#P}6 000€ Gtd{#M} €26.00+€2.00 267/368 €7.00
09/01/2022 Monster Series XL #122-L{#P}Main Event PKO 6-Max Phase 1:{#M}75 000€ Gtd{#S} €8.00+€1.00 61/191 €5.63
10/21/2022 The Terminator:{#P}3 000€ Gtd{#M} €8.00+€1.00 80/314 €2.25