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Apelidos de Usuário

rosemarie399's picture
  • Rating: NA
  • Games Played: 0
  • Total Winnings: $0.00
  • Avg. Buy-In: $0.00
  • Biggest Buy-in: $0.00
  • ITM %: 0
  • Total Profit: $0.00
  • Average Profit: $0.00
  • Average ROI %: 0
  • Final Table: 0
  • First: 0
  • Second: 0
  • Third: 0
  • Early Finishes %: 0
  • Early Middle Finishes %: 0
  • Middle Finishes %: 0
  • Middle Late Finishes %: 0
  • Late Finishes %: 0

Mural de Poker


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Game Rating Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
Weekly Loyalty Tournament NA 1 $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 0/1

Premiações Grandes Recentes

Iniciado Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
05/24/2015 $250 Gtd $0.00+$0.00 11/324 $2.62
04/10/2016 $500 Gtd $0.00+$0.00 37/329 $2.40
02/27/2014 $500 Giveaway $0.00+$0.00 48/469 $2.35
02/28/2014 $500 Gtd $0.00+$0.00 55/402 $2.00
03/03/2014 $250 Gtd $0.00+$0.00 28/531 $1.50

Últimos Torneios 10 de Poker

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
01/01/2017 Weekly Loyalty Tournament $0.00+$0.00 521/450 $0.00
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