Tournament Info: Fast Track Sunday Million STEP-3: NLHE €20 [8-Max, Turbo] 15 seats to Sunday Million added



TURBO NL Hold'em, Sit & Go

Tournament started

augustus 15, 2023 14:00




€18,00 + €2,00

Prize pool

1 nicotkd €250.00 1 SempreCall99 €250.00 41 SIXBETJAM €0.00 61 ELBASTARDO10 €0.00 81 DidiTerrivel €0.00
1 kzylord €250.00 1 advent25 €250.00 42 domdom79 €0.00 62 olivepass €0.00 82 UsurpateurYo €0.00
1 25091968 €250.00 1 machette06 €250.00 43 Sruiikan €0.00 63 ferreres1998 €0.00 83 alfbessa €0.00
1 guilovegae78 €250.00 1 Roidec €250.00 44 Ind00minus €0.00 64 orangensaftfr €0.00 84 KiiLOR €0.00
1 Kencobra €250.00 1 ANDYMORSAN12 €250.00 45 barrakus79 €0.00 65 DomasFTW €0.00 85 malako_riccy €0.00
1 SiddharthaGa €250.00 1 liaño96 €250.00 46 makanás €0.00 66 roikelo €0.00 86 vesty84 €0.00
1 Xicof €250.00 1 WMIND7 €250.00 47 TheCOB_NTGUILTY €0.00 67 IMB4LID0 €0.00 87 viktor199128 €0.00
1 eulcorbak €250.00 1 pat0n1 €250.00 48 TheGuilleCharly €0.00 68 ItrR €0.00 88 marsrey €0.00
1 DuckD1 €250.00 1 Margotport €250.00 49 Vinejay €0.00 69 tenerifematt €0.00 89 luxiful €0.00
1 mondriol €250.00 1 Grace's secr3t €250.00 50 ClLeO21 €0.00 70 yoyo177129 €0.00 90 nwaro13 €0.00
1 Korkap €250.00 1 xasky88 €250.00 51 Galinhola €0.00 71 piyuyo €0.00 91 monaguillo97 €0.00
1 GoldDragon28 €250.00 1 to@mane1406 €250.00 52 angelus03198 €0.00 72 sierraALM €0.00 92 phane56 €0.00
1 lupicaro88 €250.00 33 regue27 €52.00 53 ELAGUILA008 €0.00 73 PHI76 €0.00 93 Isoleitor €0.00
1 QTiroFoiEss €250.00 34 endelo69 €0.00 54 otxoa17 €0.00 74 Samhain4iK €0.00 94 The dead97 €0.00
1 ricacidos €250.00 35 FlyToMexico €0.00 55 bernabbo €0.00 75 TheKingMasta €0.00 95 shabreg@ €0.00
1 toupaz €250.00 36 LP2885 €0.00 56 jamesatom €0.00 76 Big Cuske €0.00 96 Dexter332010 €0.00
1 Fregat701 €250.00 37 23BIPOLAR €0.00 57 MANDRAK832B €0.00 77 trovelin €0.00 97 Williwalleur €0.00
1 juanbamartin €250.00 38 ilergeti €0.00 58 NicoK4+4 €0.00 78 firebowl67 €0.00 98 URebel €0.00
1 DUENDE888 €250.00 39 ElGranStan €0.00 59 pjporto €0.00 79 Laetitia771 €0.00 99 yellowps €0.00
1 McLovin92o €250.00 40 mishel66451 €0.00 60 feArlc €0.00 80 arinadam999999 €0.00 100 CGpitt22 €0.00