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Gil Thierry
Gil Thierry's picture
  • Games Played: 0
  • Total Winnings: $0.00
  • Avg. Buy-In: $0.00
  • Biggest Buy-in: $0.00
  • ITM %: 0
  • Total Profit: $0.00
  • Average Profit: $0.00
  • Average ROI %: 0

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Gil Thierry

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Recent Large Cashes

Started Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
08/30/2020 WPT #07 Mini Main Event{#P}Mega Sat:{#M}100 x $1,050 Gtd to Day 1A{#S} $100.00+$9.00 94/772 $1,050.00
05/24/2020 WPT Online Tickets:{#P}5 x $530 Gtd{#M}[Turbo]{#S} $50.00+$5.00 1/76 $530.00
05/12/2020 WPT #04 - WPTSuper50 Day 1:{#P}$1M Gtd{#M}[3-Day Event]{#S} $50.00+$5.00 46/784 $451.83
08/30/2020 WPT Mini Knockout Turbo:{#P}$100K Gtd{#M}[1-Day Event]{#S} $185.00+$15.00 60/437 $401.68
11/22/2020 CPP #02 Micro Main Event Day 1B:{#P}$150K Gtd{#M}[2-Day Event + FT Tuesday]{#S} $50.00+$5.00 180/1619 $362.29

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

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