Melissa Penny

Melissa Penny's picture
  • Games Played: 15
  • Total Winnings: $0.55
  • Avg. Buy-In: $0.01
  • Biggest Buy-in: $0.01
  • ITM %: 6,67
  • Total Profit: $0.40
  • Average Profit: $0.03
  • Average ROI %: 266,67
Results by # Games Played
Results by Date (Line)
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Game Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
The Grand Centroll:{#P}20 x $0.55 Gtd{#M} 2 $0.26 2650 $0.53 $0.01 50 1/1
Grand Prix KO Autumn #03 Centroll:{#P}5 x $0.55 Gtd{#M} 2 -$0.01 -100 -$0.02 $0.01 0 0/2
MILLIONS Online Main Event Day 1A Centroll to Feeder:{#P}10 x $3.30 Gtd{#M} 1 -$0.01 -100 -$0.01 $0.01 0 0/1
Irish Open - LIVE EVENT - Main Event Centroll:{#P}8 x €4.40 Gtd to Phase 1{#M} 1 -$0.01 -100 -$0.01 $0.01 0 0/1
PPC Malta [ONLINE] #12-H Centroll:{#P}5 x $1.10 Gtd{#M} 1 -$0.01 -100 -$0.01 $0.01 0 0/1

Recent Large Cashes

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
10/01/2022 The Grand Centroll:{#P}20 x $0.55 Gtd{#M} $0.00+$0.01 3/101 $0.55
10/07/2022 Grand Prix KO Autumn #03 Centroll:{#P}5 x $0.55 Gtd{#M} $0.00+$0.01 16/100 $0.00
10/01/2022 The Grand Centroll:{#P}20 x $0.55 Gtd{#M} $0.00+$0.01 31/100 $0.00
10/07/2022 Grand Prix KO Autumn #04 Centroll:{#P}5 x $0.33 Gtd{#M} $0.00+$0.01 26/100 $0.00
12/02/2022 PG220 #01 12 Year Anniversary Cent Shot:{#P}5 x $4.40 Gtd{#M}[Qualify to Feeder]{#S} $0.00+$0.01 73/200 $0.00