Tournament Info: 5 Seats GTD to the $500 WSOP Online Bracelet [R&A, Turbo]



TURBO NL Hold'em, Multi Table

Tournament started

juni 19, 2019 20:30




$27,30 + $2,70

Prize pool

1 Lucky_Girl $500.00 21 YoungHoodie $0.00 41 whyKnot1 $0.00 61 smalltalkdan $0.00 81 clembutt $0.00
2 NYR9414 $500.00 22 TheGlyph $0.00 42 PugDaddy69 $0.00 62 BuckBox $0.00 82 craecanuck29 $0.00
3 Goodycakes $500.00 23 davethedonk $0.00 43 UnXplainable $0.00 63 tewright1787 $0.00 83 P_aire_146 $0.00
4 weweweasel $500.00 24 starofdanny $0.00 44 grrrrrr $0.00 64 jsaliba2 $0.00 84 boeheimsarmy $0.00
5 KeepItBurnin $500.00 25 margateman $0.00 45 mferr1209 $0.00 65 jykpoker $0.00 85 SlaweelRyam $0.00
6 JimiB81 $500.00 26 Doanathan $0.00 46 Vic.Vinegar $0.00 66 TheDoubleD $0.00 86 redbaron22 $0.00
7 propjoe $500.00 27 yongshi88 $0.00 47 RajaTegang $0.00 67 JudgeBen $0.00 87 JoelEmbiid21 $0.00
8 THEKIDM8 $500.00 28 TurkeyFace $0.00 48 WiseRacoon $0.00 68 cougars16 $0.00 88 TULLYTIME14 $0.00
9 49erSuited $500.00 29 freezer $0.00 49 cypher702 $0.00 69 drdiggz2323 $0.00 89 NoMAMMESwEY $0.00
10 DMBJNKIE $500.00 30 fadiphatu1 $0.00 50 Schmonster $0.00 70 DanBilzerian $0.00 90 exutsssiu $0.00
11 HurriKane9 $500.00 31 Hitmy1outer $0.00 51 fullmast $0.00 71 Justanenigma $0.00 91 jaggyboy13 $0.00
12 dashit16 $500.00 32 MyLuckyDay $0.00 52 loserstream $0.00 72 szajbusjeden $0.00 92 HIGHGRAVITY $0.00
13 elllguapo $500.00 33 freshcakes $0.00 53 BobDaBuilder $0.00 73 Vicky219 $0.00 93 cosmok27 $0.00
14 C0ldKid $500.00 34 No_Xcape $0.00 54 tintin203 $0.00 74 Pkuphaldt $0.00 94 RwannPecheux $0.00
15 SageGrouse $500.00 35 going2take $0.00 55 theetruth $0.00 75 SLHalper $0.00 95 eplefty15 $0.00
16 knightship $500.00 36 drgolf $0.00 56 Profits_LLC $0.00 76 Jose313 $0.00 96 cam3493 $0.00
17 FLOP_IT_HOT $500.00 37 gvigelette $0.00 57 nowb3athat $0.00 77 Pollux $0.00 97 billypoker $0.00
18 OHMaaanca $500.00 38 sri50k $0.00 58 chosenone7 $0.00 78 Taang $0.00 98 letsplay77 $0.00
19 MisterKK $500.00 39 Futon8888 $0.00 59 ShaoShen $0.00 79 DoctorGonzo $0.00 99 mdx88 $0.00
20 Jasmely $409.90 40 Bagsik829 $0.00 60 playitsmart $0.00 80 redraider $0.00 100 jacksrwild $0.00