Tournament Info: Spin of the Day Freeroll, €500 added



NL Hold'em, Sit & Go

Tournament started

maart 27, 2019 12:00




€0,00 + €0,00

Prize pool

1801 ghigno7 €0.00 1821 DEERIU €0.00 1841 andrealeoni €0.00 1861 raddoppio €0.00 1881 rsn3andrea €0.00
1802 francescone3 €0.00 1822 josimar2013 €0.00 1842 panzitta €0.00 1862 manu72438 €0.00 1882 oratiscoso €0.00
1803 sulley501 €0.00 1823 lu-chi695 €0.00 1843 Atterrab €0.00 1863 drinkwater90 €0.00 1883 Sociopoly!!! €0.00
1804 ariete157 €0.00 1824 nico1987PRO €0.00 1844 83Giacchetta €0.00 1864 Gianma17 €0.00 1884 tucano 69 €0.00
1805 suso95200 €0.00 1825 lucaskr7 €0.00 1845 pinaldo76 €0.00 1865 alCappotto €0.00 1885 theboss9426 €0.00
1806 Mastiffs1926NA €0.00 1826 Ragone_Sub €0.00 1846 antoboni €0.00 1866 Tombolino94 €0.00 1886 zitoto71 €0.00
1807 delis496 €0.00 1827 stetar87 €0.00 1847 anubi2012 €0.00 1867 garsi75 €0.00 1887 ABeautifulMind €0.00
1808 rooney19996. €0.00 1828 andriescu87 €0.00 1848 ariandor €0.00 1868 Cillo1696 €0.00 1888 mascol9 €0.00
1809 clarc46 €0.00 1829 MisterAsso93 €0.00 1849 polo74998 €0.00 1869 diegaccio82 €0.00 1889 Winnerstakk86 €0.00
1810 Uizzard28 €0.00 1830 basa87 €0.00 1850 xzx67 €0.00 1870 bea2414 €0.00 1890 kevin01802 €0.00
1811 solopachese €0.00 1831 pierone71 €0.00 1851 slomulomu €0.00 1871 macrina85 €0.00 1891 katire969 €0.00
1812 oliver6680 €0.00 1832 Cori94 €0.00 1852 Boborton10 €0.00 1872 relisor €0.00 1892 mollatutt529 €0.00
1813 savese77 €0.00 1833 gio_luz76 €0.00 1853 Blackmamb921 €0.00 1873 fish9621 €0.00 1893 gianni0051 €0.00
1814 uffa147 €0.00 1834 parrucchiera18 €0.00 1854 tonybishan €0.00 1874 juurlo €0.00 1894 misterin40 €0.00
1815 pippoo9022 €0.00 1835 djbiagio91 €0.00 1855 francy968 €0.00 1875 profumb €0.00 1895 UZIUPIETRU €0.00
1816 MarcoSerra86 €0.00 1836 alexio82ct €0.00 1856 assomatto308 €0.00 1876 michele1947 €0.00 1896 mammawasa €0.00
1817 raffy367 €0.00 1837 Vali199828 €0.00 1857 FFFF54 €0.00 1877 Massimi99 €0.00 1897 labari227 €0.00
1818 XManuel07 €0.00 1838 gax_98 €0.00 1858 pongosan €0.00 1878 Milanista704 €0.00 1898 semprefresco €0.00
1819 turbostar183 €0.00 1839 tedesca177 €0.00 1859 lucianoyuz €0.00 1879 durugica13 €0.00 1899 RogerRome €0.00
1820 wilmaita2 €0.00 1840 ricfra12 €0.00 1860 miniroma €0.00 1880 ilmagico83 €0.00 1900 lossosempre €0.00
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